Planting Stock Improvement

Established seed production area (SPA) of Tectona grandis (100 ha) in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, Casuarina equisetifolia (10 ha) and Eucalyptus tereticornis (10 ha) in Karnataka as an interim source of improved quality of seed for raising planting stock. SPAs are handed over to Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh Forest Departments for maintenance and use.
Established seedling seed orchard (SSO) of 49 families of Tectona grandis (25 ha) and Santalum album (5 ha) near Tirupati and Casuarina equisetifolia (4 ha) at Nellore in Andhra Pradesh as a source of quality seed. These SSOs were established in collaboration with Andhra Pradesh Forest Department and is currently maintained by them.

Established clonal seed orchard (CSO) of Santalum album (4 ha) at S.V. University, Tirupati, Casuarina equisetifolia (4 ha) at Nellore, Eucalyptus tereticornis (25 ITC clones) at Nellore and Tectona grandis (2 ha) at Mulugu near Hyderabad. These CSOs were established during 1997-98 as a source of improved quality of seeds.
Comprehensive tree improvement programme for Gmelina arborea in Karnataka – Phase I :

Gmelina arborea is fast growing multipurpose tree species with natural distribution in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Under tree improvement programme of G. arborea seeds were collected from the plus trees in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Seedlings were raised in the nursery and progeny trials of 27 families was established in 2007 at Nallal, near Bangalore.
Established vegetative multiplication garden (VMG) of 41 clones of Tectona grandis at Gottipura during 1996 and 25 clones of Eucalyptus tereticornis at Nagaroor in 1998 near Bangalore as a source of vegetative material for production of clonal planting material.