Field Trials

Over view of the species trial at the age of 30months in Nallal, Bangalore
Field performance of micro and macropropagated planting stock of selected four commercially important bamboo species; During 2005 field trials of micropropagated plants of industrially important four species viz; Bambusa bambus, B. balcooa, Dendrocalamus asper and D. strictus were established in 15 ha area in Karnataka (Nallal, Gottipura and Yelwala) and at Forest Research Centre, Dulapally, Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh. Following demonstration trial were established;
1) Type of planting material: (i) seed based seedling (ii) macropropagated plants and (iii) micropropagated plants using 5m x 5m spacing.
2) Fertilizer trial: Fertilizer trials consists of micropropagated plants of Dendrocalamus strictus and Bambusa bambus. Spacing was 5m x 5m for the selected four bamboo species, at Gottipura and Yelwala .
3) Spacing trial: Three spacing of 5m x 5m, 5m x 7m and 5m x 9m were used for the selected four bamboo species and established at Nallal, Yelwala and FRC, Hyderabad.
Multilocational field trials of micropropagated plants of industrially important six bamboo species:
In Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Goa separate field trials of micropropagated plants of six bamboo species viz; Bambusa balcooa, B. nutans, Dendrocalamus asper, D. brandisii, D. stocksii and Guadua angustifolia were established during 2007 and 2008 in 45 ha area.
Multilocational trials of micropropagated plants of D. asper and G. angustifolia:
Multilocational field trial of two industrially important bamboo species viz; Dendrocalamus asper and Guadua angustifolia were established of micropropagated plants in 2005-2006 in Kerala (Alwaye and Palakkad) and Karnataka (Thittimathi) using 5m x 5m spacing. Both these species are growing very well in high rainfall area and in fertile soil.
Bamboo Locational Trials:
Bambusa bambos ,B.balcooa, B. nutans, B. tulda, Dendrocalamus asper, D. hamiltonii, D. giganteus, D. stocksii, Guadua angustifolia were established at Nallal, near Bangalore in Karnataka and Forest Research Centre, Dulapally, Hyderabad during 2005 using 5m x 5m spacing to find out the best suitable species based on survival rate and growth performance for future planting of the bamboo species. Among the bamboo species, D. brandisii proved the best in terms of culm height and culm diameter and D. asper and B. tulda were not found suitable at both the sites at the age of 40 months.

B. balcooa

B. bambos

D. asper

D. strictus