Bamboo Based Housing System
The institute had developed three types of Bamboo Houses which are depicted below :
Bamboo Houses are categorized as GREEN BUILDING Any building that is sited, designed, constructed, operated and maintained for the health and well being of the occupants, while minimizing negative impact on the environment

Earthquake Resistant House
Bamboo being a naturally grown material, bamboo elements would be an ideal material for vernacular houses in the regions where they are available. Research carried out also has shown that bamboo is an earthquake resistant structural member where it can be used as a predominant structural member and bamboo frame as a predominant structural system, during earthquakes. It is in this context that the bamboo housing technology developed by the institute has very high potential for mass housing, housing in disaster prone areas and for earthquake resistant structures/houses for seismic prone areas. The low mass of the bamboo based building is an advantage under earthquake loading as compared to masonry and concrete buildings. The system is suited to either prefabrication or fabrication in situ i.e., all components like infill grids, roof trusses are designed to be prefabricated or prepared on site. Only basic carpentry and masonry tools and skills are required to undertake the construction.

Prefabricated Bamboo House at Bengaluru
Prefabricated bamboo components in contrast to onsite construction reduces construction cost by allowing more rigid selection of quality bamboo culms for use in the most appropriate application. The main advantage of development of modular houses is that they can be pre-fabricated in large quantities and can be easily transported to construction sites. Bamboo composite panel based pre-fabricated houses could be efficiently transported in “one pack” and can be assembled quickly. Such technology would be highly relevant in particular for relief agencies for disaster management. Besides the benefits of a quick supply of houses in large quantities, the design and development of a bamboo based modular housing production chain would also directly benefit to bamboo growers, harvesters and employees of the building industries by generating direct and indirect employment and linking them with industries in pre-processing and processing of panel components. It would develop long term rural-urban market linkages.

Double Bamboo Composite house at Botanical Garden, Hyderabad
Bamboo as a building material having has high compressive strength and low weight has been one of the most used building material as support for concrete, especially in those locations where it is found in abundance. Due to a distinctive rhizome-dependent system, bamboos are one of the fastest-growing plants in the world and their growth is three times faster than most other species of plants. They are renewable and extremely versatile resource with multi-purpose usage. Among many uses of bamboo, bamboo housing is one of the major areas applications especially in the wake of residential shortages around the globe. In order to promote sustainable use of Bamboo in Construction and related activities, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has a series of standards on bamboo preservation, testing, products and structural design of buildings using bamboo. It may particularly be noted that the standard on structural use of bamboo has since been revised and updated in NBC 2016 as well as in the recently revised IS 15912: 2018 (Structural Design using Bamboo - Code of Practice). These type of houses are Strong and durable, Aesthetic and environment friendly, Ecologically appropriate, energy efficient, Affordable and adaptable, Use of cost-effective materials and Appropriate technologies in construction.

Solar Bamboo Hut at New Delhi
It will eco friendly prefabricated houses which will be developed by using Bamboo mat boards(BMB), Bamboo Mat Corrugated Sheets (BMCS), Bamboo Mat Ridge Caps. BMB are water proof, resistant to insects and fire and processes excellent physical and mechanical strength properties. BMCS are waterproof and resistant to decay, termite / insect and fire. They are light but strong and possess high resilience. Since both the sheets are manufactured from woven bamboo mats, BMB and BMCS are environment friendly and will certainly revolutionize house construction activity, particularly in disaster prone areas through pre-fab houses.