Bamboo Mat Corrugated Sheet

Bamboo Mat Corrugated Sheet
Investigations were carried out at erstwhile IPIRTI under a Project sponsored by BMTPC to develop an Eco-friendly roofing sheet. Since corrugated sheets are more ideal for roofing application, attempts were made to develop Corrugated Bamboo Mat Sheet (BMCS). For this purpose platens having approximated sinusoidal wave patterns were designed to be fitted with hydraulic hot press to produce corrugated sheets by using bamboo mat coated with suitable resin binder.
Extensive experiments were carried out using woven bamboo mats of Melaconna bambusoides & Ochlandra travancorica that were dipped in phenol formaldehyde resin and pressed under temperature and pressure. Sheets made in the initial experiments were subjected to rigorous test for evaluating bond integrity. BMCS thus produced were subjected to performance tests like load bearing capacity, water permeability test, resistance to boiling water and weather ability and found to pocess excellent load bearing capacity.
Technology for manufacturing Bamboo Mat Corrugated Sheets (BMCS) has been successfully developed under a project sponsored by BMTPC (1995-1999).
BMCS is environment friendly, energy efficient and possesses good fire resistance

Bamboo Mat Corrugated Sheet
Technology on Industrial upscaling of BMCS was transferred to M/s. Timpak Pvt. Ltd. Meghalaya. Bramhaputra Forest Products Corporation Nepal
BMCS roofing sheets confirms to the requirements prescribed for asbestos cement roofing sheets with enhanced characteristics like toughness, resilience and ductility
High resilience, Low Weight, Low Thermal Conductivity, Aesthetic Appearance, Conforms to IS: 15476
Eco-friendly, Immense potential for roofing solutions,
The main raw material for the production of BMCS is bamboo, which is the fastest growing plant and occurs naturally in the forests and is also suitable for plantation even over degraded lands. For manufacturing BMCS, bamboo is to be converted into mats that are hand woven by rural/tribal people, particularly women. Thus, the product is both environment and people friendly.
Bamboo Mat Corrugated Sheet International Green Apple Award since corrugated sheets are most versatile for roofing.