Field Station Kolkata

The need for a Research and Development infrastructure for wood and wood based panel industries in the country was recognized in early sixties. This was all the more necessary for a developing country, like India, with abundant natural forest resources, to pursue the chosen path for management of natural resources consistent with the overall strategy for national development. The Indian Plywood Manufacturer’s Research Association (IPMRA) was formed in 1962 as a cooperative research laboratory under the umbrella of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and was re-designated as Indian Plywood Industries Research Institute in 1970. Its administrative control was transferred to the Ministry of Industry in 1978. The name of the institute was changed in 1992 as Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute, IPIRTI Field Station Kolkata. Again this institute has been merged with Institute of Wood Science and Technology in October 2022 and renamed as IWST Field Station Kolkata is one of the outreach field station of IWST, whose headquarter is at Bangalore.
Since its inception, IWST Field Station Kolkata has assisted wood and panel based industries to develop indigenous manufacturing technology at par with international standards and the industry has become self reliant with respect to technology, machinery and standardization of processes and products.The institute is delivering innovative solutions to Industry, Society and Environment. It is an nationally recognized center to applied research in wood, bamboo and other lingo-cellulosics based panel materials.
Research & Development

Since its inception, IWST, Field Station, Kolkata has been making significant contributions for development of efficient technologies related to wood and panel products based on wood and other lignocellulosics (renewable fibres) and their adoption by the Industry. The Institute takes up multidisciplinary and applied research projects based on problems identified by the industries and other interested organizations. An important and unique aspect of R & D works at the Institute is that lab scale findings are upscaled to industrial level to facilitate their quick adoption by the industry. In addition to institute projects, sponsored projects funded by Industry, National & International agencies are also taken up. Institute has successfully executed projects funded by ICAR, IJIRA, AGRI-SEARCH, NINFET, GTZ. Result oriented collaborative research projects with other institutions / organizations are also undertaken towards achieving the institute’s vision.
Considering that rapid growth, plantation timber will be the major industrial round wood raw material in the country. The main focus of research related to wood and wood composites is on development of efficient technologies for effective utilization of such wood. Important areas of R & D are:
Development of wood adhesives
Protective coatings for wood materials
Wood composites from natural & agro-waste
GLP & preservative treatment for enhancing service life of plywood
Effective techniques or utilization of plantation grown timber for production of panel products including plywood of different grades, block boards, flush door shutters etc.
Energy efficient bamboo housing system
Training & Education

Training, essentially is an integral part of human life. In recent years HR Planning has assumed great significance in manufacturing sector which includes wood based panel industry. From then onwards, this Institute caters to HRD needs of the wood based panel industries through several training programmes. In this endeavor, the institute has excellent infrastructural facilities for classroom teaching, laboratory and factory simulated facilities for “hands on” training in Plywood, Resin Manufacture and Testing etc. and organizing vocational training courses with period varying from 3 days to 30 days Special training programmes are also organized at the request of industries, regulatory departments/ organizations of Union/ State governments, and non- government organizations.
IWST Field Station Kolkata is a specialized national laboratory recognized by Bureau of Indian Standards under the certification scheme for testing of wood and wood based panel products and other lignocellulosic materials, adhesives, adhesive components, preservative chemicals, identification of timber species, etc. for conformity to Indian and other Standards.
It is also a NABL accredited laboratory in Mechanical and Chemical field of testing for Plywood, Block Boards, Flush Doors and Synthetic Resins with a view to have world – wide recognition to the testing services of the institute. It is also equipped with modern facilities like digital door testing equipment, trinocular microscope, spectrophotometer, viscometer, formaldehyde emission test facilities, digital universal testing machine, fire retardancy test equipment, abrasion tester etc. It has facilities for testing of timber, panels based on wood and other lignocellulosic materials, for conformity to Indian and other International Standards.
IWST Field Station Kolkata adopts a multi-pronged extension approach so that the benefits of its efforts flow to the society through the processing industry.
Information dissemination through research / technical reports, magazines
Scientists visits to Industries on request
Participation in national exhibitions
Technical presentation in conferences/seminars etc
Consultancy Service & Technology Transfer
Publication of articles in referred Journals
Infrastructure Facilities

Mechanical laboratory
Adhesive technology lab with panel manufacturing facilities
Biology laboratory
Panel testing laboratory
Bamboo processing workshop
Hostel cum Guest Room
The Institute is having 15 bedded lodging and boarding facility inside the campus for trainees with a minimal rental
charges per day. It has also one guest room inside the hostel with all amenities.

Library and Conference Hall
The Institute has an excellent library dealing with various aspects of wood and wood based panel materials and adhesives
including basic sciences, Indian and international journals, newsletters, research reports, standards. It has more than
500 books relating to Physics, Chemistry and Botany fields.
Want to Test your PLYWOOD & PANEL PRODUCTS ?
Come to the Experts !
General Purpose Plywood as per IS : 303
Shuttering Plywood as per IS : 4990
Marine Plywood as per IS : 710
Fire Retardant Plywood as per IS : 5509
Decorative Plywood as per IS : 1328
Particle Board as per IS : 3087
Prelaminated Particle Board as per IS : 12823
Medium Density Fibre Board as per IS : 12406
Prelaminated MDF as per IS : 14587
Flush Door Shutter as per IS : 2202
Panel Door Shutter as per IS : 1003
Moulded skin doors as per IS : 15380
Block Board as per IS : 1659
Bamboo Mat Board as per IS : 13958
Resin as per IS : 848
Emission of Formaldehyde in Panels
Identification of Timber Species
Implementation of new developments of wood adhesives in plywood industries
Minimization of cost of plywood, minimization of emission level of free formaldehyde as per E1 level
Protection of wood materials from natural & UV degradation
Setting up of machineries in wood based panel industries
Construction of pre-fab bamboo composite houses
Research & Support Staff
Sl No
Sr. Akash Anand Solanki
Sri. Dipankar Pal
Sri. Anirban
Sri. Chitrasen Raut
Sri. Himadri Mondaln
"Internationally recognized center of expertise with an exhaustive source of data and information in the area of wood science and technology with particular reference to wood based panels"