MACROPROPAGATION of Teak, Eucalyptus, Casuraina and Bamboo species ( Dendrocalamus stocksii and Guadua angustifolia ):
In case of teak and eucalyptus, leafy stem cuttings of 45-60 days old obtained from VMG maintained in hedge form were found most suitable for macropropagation in mist chamber/green house. Application of pulse treatment with IBA 1000-2500 ppm for 15-20 minutes proved most effective in early and high rate of rooting within 30-45 days period. In case of Casuarina equisetifolia, cladodes treated with 1000 ppm of IBA for 30 min or keeping in moist filter paper with 1000 ppm of IBA and incubation in mist chamber at 28 + 5 o C temperature induced rooting within 30 days period . In D. stocksii triple node culm cuttings treated with 2500 ppm of IBA for 60 min resulted in rooting in sand bed medium in agroshade net within 45-60 days period. In case of G. angustifolia leafy stem cuttings treated with 2500 ppm of IBA for 15-30 minutes exhibited more than 80% rooting in polytunnel within 30-40 days period in sand medium.

Leafy stem cuttings of teak

Rooted leafy stem cutting

Rooting of cuttings of E. tereticornis in sand medium of teak in 60 days Period

Rooted cladodes of Casuarina Equisetifolia

Rooted leafy cuttings of G. angustifolia

Rooted culm cutting of D. stocksii