Rice Husk Particle Board

Research work to find ways and means to utilize rice husk for the production of useful materials has been underway for the past three decades or so. However, because of its unique chemical composition, not many successful methods have been evolved.
However the RHPB technology developed by IPIRTI was transferred in 1985 to National Development Corporation (NRDC) of New Delhi, India, and they inturn to to M/S Padmavathy Panel Boards Pvt. Ltd (PPBL), Bangalore, Karnataka in 1987. The institute also worked through PPBL to overcome the problem generally encountered in transferring any technology from lab to factory.
PIRTI has refined a technology for manufacturing multilayered particle board using modified phenol cardanol formaldehyde resins
The boards pocesses high termite decay and fire resistant
Strength properties of the panels meets the requirement as per relevant specifications
The proposed technology has a high environmental impact, since utilization of rice husk in one way prevents deforestation.
Widening raw material base for the PB industry & value addition to agricultural waste
technology developed by IPIRTI was transferred in 1985 to National Development Corporation (NRDC)