About the Division

Extension division is one of the important divisions of IWST having the mandate to transfer technologies being developed in-house to benefit different stake holders or end users. The technologies/techniques thus developed are disseminated through research articles in scientific journals, popular articles in magazines, international and national conferences/seminars, workshops, demonstration programs, newspaper, TV and other social media platforms.
In addition, to aforesaid traditional outreach activities, the institute is reaching to industry, community, government organizations and other stakeholders, through its quarterly magazine “Wood is Good” and, interactive webinars and updates about activities and achievements of the institute through various social media platforms.
It is the endeavour of extension division to update and keep in tune with technological requirements in the field of wood science. There is a huge demand from state forest departments, wood industry sector and allied departments, private entrepreneurs, NGOs, farmers and others to acquire skills on various aspects related to wood science and technology. Hence training programs are regularly organized for different end users.
Development of effective and innovative/extension methodologies, strategies and extension material for dissemination of research findings and technology packages of the Institute/Council to stakeholders.
Lab to land extension of research findings and technologies through VVKs, demo-villages and KVKs, radio and talk shows, melas, exhibitions, museums etc
Support to other research divisions in filling of patents, technology transfers, MoUs, maintenance of legal issues of IPRs, marketing of technologies and other IPR related issues
Promotion and facilitation of partnerships, networking and collaboration with other institutions, industry and organizations
Developing human resource through training and capacity building programmes
Carrying on statistical projects on wood-based industries, scenario planning, strategic forecasting and other policy inputs for wood sector.
Statistical support to research divisionss
Outreach activities related with research and training activities of the institutees
Extension Activities
The extension wing of IWST has expertise in preparing extension materials like leaflets, bulletins, books, documentaries; conduct training and demonstration programs; organize seminars and conferences on various topics which are of interest and benefit to stake holders. It has developed and strengthened linkages with State Forest Departments, Research Organizations, Forestry colleges, agricultural universities, wood and allied industries to achieve its expected goals. Established VanaVigyan Kendras at Gottipura, Bangalore Rural District, Karnataka and Satpal, Goa.
Some of the major activities of the Division areas
Networking of VanaVigyan Kendras with Krishi Vigyan Kendras through technology demonstration programs, trainings and distribution of planting material to end users
Every year students/traineesacross India from Schools, Colleges, Universities, Forest Rangers Training Colleges, State Forest Service Colleges, MEG, NGOs etc regularly visit the Institute to acquire knowledge about the research activities
Shortterm trainings are organized for different end users
Extension division organises press meets and broadcasts important events and activities on social media platforms.
Quality seedlings and seeds are distributed to farmers.
Conduct Seminars/ Workshops on topics relevant to Forestry and Wood Science.
Demonstration of Forestry and Wood Science Technologies in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Goa.
Ongoing Programmes
Technical support and public awareness through.
Extension of Technology
Film Production
Technical Bulletins
Social Media Platforms
Van Vignan Kendras
The states under the jurisdiction of the institute where in Van Vigyan Kendras have been established are Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Goa. The Nodal officer from the institute is Extension Officer.
Kadugodi - Forest Technical and Administrative Training Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka
Name of Nodal Officer:
Deputy Conservator of Forests (Training)
Forest Technical and Administrative Training Institute
Whitefield, Kadugodi
Dulapally – Forest Research Centre, Andhra Pradesh Forest Department, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradseh
Name of Nodal Officer:
Chief Conservator of Forests (R)
Andhra Pradesh Forest Department
Satpal - Goa
Name of Nodal Officer:
Deputy Conservator of Forests
Research and Utilization Division
Margao - Goa
Mandate and functions of VVK:
To disseminate technical knowledge to different user groups including farmers
To assist / help user groups to access technical know how of appropriate technologies based on research findings
Functions:To liaise with State Forest Departments to obtain basic infrastructure for VVks like building, fixtures, electric and water supply, land for nursery, and demonstration purposes etc.
To equip VVKs with appropriate literature of knowledge, skills and technologies
To take up capacity building of extension personnel of State Forest Departments to strengthen their extension mechanism and manning of VVKs in future.
The institute also conducts short term training courses to educate the people on topics related to wood science and forestry for transfer of few standardized technologies. This endeavour not only helps the beneficiaries but has also generated revenue to the institute for the training imparted.
During the year 2007-08, eight training programs were organized and were attended by a total of 57 beneficiaries from different organizations.
Extension Division
Sl No
Smt. P.R. Triveni
Chief Technical officer
Sri. G.P. Navarathna
Library Information Assistant
Smt. S. Hemamalini
Stenographer Gr I
Smt. M. Mamatha
Sri. Chitepu Srinivas
Sri. Anand Kumar Nemavath
* For further information, Please contact:
The Head
Extension Division
Institute of Wood Science and Technology
P.O. Malleshwaram
Bengaluru-560 003 (India)