Preservation & Protection

Invitro assay against decay fungi
Enhancement of the durability of timbers by treatment of appropriate insecticides, botanical pesticides and chemical modification of wood.
Insect pests adversely affecting packing cases and handicrafts were identified and package of management practices recommended.
Bioinvasion of insects and fungi through wood import was investigated and 55 insects and 22 fungi reported from imported species of wood.
Durability of 20 species of imported timbers under varying agroclimatic conditions is being tested.
Durability of commercial bamboo species, Bambusa bambos and Dendrocalamus strictus with and without treatment is investigated.
Steam volatile of creosote (SVC) was found to be a good preservative which is acceptable for protection of indoor timber structures. It is free from the offending odour and colour of the creosote.
Culture of powder post beetles using Tapioca chips is found useful for testing the durability of timber by adult and larval release techniques in the laboratory.
Protection of wood against wood decay fungi has been achieved by oligoesterification of wood.
Botanicals were tested for antifungal properties. Alcoholic extract of Dalbergia latifolia heartwood, combinations of copper & Cashew Nut Shell Liquid and copper & Neem proved effective as wood protectants.

The efficiency of Chlorpyriphos as a protectant of wood from borer and termite attack has been established.
Heart-wood extractives of Hopea parviflora have shown anti bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
Efficacy of preservatives viz., CCA, CCB, K-othrine and Derosal to prevent wood decay is established.
Durability against termites and decay resistance against fungi was assessed for flowered and non-flowered bamboo. Flowered bamboo is more resistant to decay compared to that of non- flowered ones. The presence of large amount of starch makes bamboo highly susceptible to attack of decay fungi especially for the white rotters.
Efficacy of phosphine for wood protection has been documented by lab and field trials using insect pest infested logs.

Subabul logs attacked by Bostrychids
Package of practices for pest management in timber storages was experimented and formulated.
Acacia auriculiformis, A. mangium, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Grevillea robusta, Melia dubia, of 4 age group of timbers grown in low rain fall area were tested for their natural durability against decay fungi. It was found that resistance of timber increases with the age.