Bamboo Mat Ridge Cap

Bamboo Mat Ridge Cap
The concept of green building materials - which are derived from renewable materials, consume less energy, are less polluting, cost effective, and are environmentally sustainable in life cycle analysis – is gaining significance. It needs no emphasis that wood and other natural lingocellulosic fibers and agro/forest residues satisfy all the requirements of being green building materials.
Bamboo is the fastest growing plant harvestable in 2-4 years cycle. It is superior to wood in some physical and mechanical properties and is highly versatile for application in construction activities. It has been estimated that during processing it consumes even less energy than wood and at the same time possess high strength to weight ratio. Bamboo has traditionally been used in many regions of the country in temporary constructions, have not only re-established versatility of bamboo as a structural material but as a material eminently suitable for making highly efficient composite materials for application in several vital sectors including housing, construction, transport etc.

Bamboo Mat Ridge Cap
Investigations were carried out at erstwhile IPIRTI to develop a cost effective and energy efficient and eco-friendly technology from bamboo namely Bamboo mat corrugated sheets (BMCS). Based on the Physical mechanical properties and durability of BMCS, standards were made for BMCS as roofing material. The BMCS manufactured are superior to other existing roofing sheets as it has very high strength to weight ratio and high specific load bearing capacity. BMCS are now commercially produced in the country based on the technology developed in the Institute.
It has lead to the development of another component for roofing system viz., Ridge cap for covering the top/corners of roofing sheets in the Institute using bamboo mats. The Bamboo mat Ridge cap (BMRC) thereby developed is compatible with BMCS roofing system and meets all Physical mechanical properties needed for the purpose.
Meets all Physical and mechanical properties needed for the purpose.
High resilience, Low Weight, Low Thermal Conductivity, Aesthetic Appearance
Bamboo mat Ridge cap (BMRC) developed is compatible with BMCS roofing systems