Seed Technology Information
Propagation material:
The seeds retain their
viability for about one year under normal storage conditions and are the
best propagation material. Fruits are collected in March for the
extraction of seeds. Seedlings or stumps prepared from two-year-old
nursery seedlings are used for planting in the field[2].
Seed Propagation :

Red Sanders Seed
Seed Collection : Dry pods are
collected from trees in February-June, then dried in the sun for 3 days
and stored in bamboo baskets or gunny bags till required. There is no
loss of viability for at least 8 months. It looses its viability
definitely if kept for more than one year[1].
Pretreatment : Soaking of pods in
cold water for 3 days increases the germinative capacity very much, also
if the pods are immersed in cowdung slurry for 48 hrs before sowing[1].
Sowing Method : Raised or flat
nursery beds with well- drained soil is prepared. The soil should be dry
to 30 cms deep and clods broken to powder. Farm yard manure is mixed
with soil. Standard size beds of 12x1.2 m, raised above the ground
are prepared. The entire pod with wing as collected are sown. Pretreated
pods is sown per bed and is covered by a thin layer of soil or hay and
profusely watered[1].
Sowing Season : During
Germination Duration : Germination
takes 15 to 20 days[1].
Germination Percent : Germination
percent varies from 10 to 80 percent[1].
Propagation And Agrotechnology status
Of Commercially Important Medicinal Plant Species Of The Project
Area Of Andhra Pradesh Community Forest Management Project Prepared
For Andhra Pradesh Forest Department By D.K.Ved Sumy Oommen, Archna
Singh, Foundation For Revitalisation Of Local Health Traditions
(Frlht), July 2002. AP-CF/Propagation and Agro technology
Report–Section II/Final.
Agro-technique study carried out by P
Division of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Sciences, G K V
K Campus, Bangalore – 560 065. and P Dhanvanthari Vana, Department
of Forestry, Government of Karnataka, Jnanabharathi Campus,
Bangalore University, Bangalore.