Red Sanders Japan's Patent


Sl. No

Patent No

Country Code Patent Date Title


2007-045733 JP 20070222 Hyaluronidase inhibitor
2. 2006-265141 JP 20061005 Skin-whitening agent
3. 2005-194526 JP 20050721 Colored stain-decomposing and removing agent
4. 2005-194239 JP 20050721 Ceramide synthesis promotor and skin care preparation for external use
5. 2002-307406 JP 20021023 Timber preservative
6. 2002-114658 JP 20020416 Oral cavity composition
7. 1998-265353 JP 19981006 Hair dye
8. 1998-182372 JP 19980707 Hair dye composition
9. 1998-053721 JP 19980224 Dyeing agent for keratinous fiber and method for dyeing therewith
10. 1998-053720 JP 19980224 Dyeing agent for keratinous fiber and method for dyeing therewith
11. 1997-104864 JP 19970422 Natural antioxidant
12. 1994-128170 JP 19940510 Anti-male hormone agent
13. 1985-126225 JP 19850705 Novel polyphenol compound and carcinostatic agent
14. 1985-025932 JP 19850208 Carcinostatic agent



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