
Leaf :


Red Sanders Leaf

Flower characteristics :

          The flowers of the species are yellow,  densely arranged in simple or sparingly branched racemes. Flowering occurs from February to April, after new leaves sprout.  Pods are formed rapidly but get ripened in next February–March. Pods are oblilquely orbicular, 3–4 cm in diameter, including the wing, and gradually narrow down into a short stipe. There is only one seed per pod, which is 1–1.5 cm in length and reddish brown in colour[2].

Red Sanders Flowers



Seed :


Red Sanders Seed

Morphological characteristics  

Red Sanders is a moderate-sized deciduous tree with clear trunk and dense rounded crown. It attains a height of 10 m and a girth of 0.9–1.5 m under favourable growing conditions. The blackish-brown bark is fissured and resembles crocodile skin. The inner bark, when injured or cut, oozes red coloured ‘santolin’ dye. The wood is extremely hard and dark red in colour, with a specific gravity of 1.109. The leaves are imparipinnate, petiolate, and alternate. They are simple at seedling stage but trifoliate or rarely pentafoliate later[1].


  1. Agro-Techniques of Selected Medicinal Plants: Agro-technique study carried out by  P Regional Station, National Bureau of Plant genetic Resources, Dist Niglat, Nainital, Uttarakhand, and  P RRL, CSIR, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh.


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