Red Sanders Patent


African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO)



European Patent Office


International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

People's Republic of China

United Kingdom


African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO)

Sl. No

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Country Code Patent Date Title




20001116 Niprisan-phytodrug for treatment and management of sickle cell anaemia and methods of preparing and using same.



Sl. No

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Country Code Patent Date Title




20080715 Glucopyranosid, verfahren zu deren isolierung, pharmazeutische zusammensetzung und verwendung davon



Sl. No

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Country Code Patent Date Title




20030506 Composição eficaz hipoglicêmica, e, métodos de tratamento do diabete tipo ii, de prevenir o começo do diabete tipo ii clìnico, de reduzir o nìvel de glicose do sangue em um paciente, de aumentar a secreção da insulina de células beta pancreáticas, e de inibir a degradação de carboidratos complexos em monossacarìdeos.


European Patent Office

Sl. No

Patent No

Country Code Patent Date Title


1415638 EP 20061129 Aqueous active substance preparations containing plant extracts and liposoluble microencapsulated active agents
2. 1049450 EP 20050413 Skin and hair darkening composition
3. 1495019 EP 20080702 Glucopyranosid, verfahren zu deren isolierung, pharmazeutische zusammensetzung und verwendung davon glucopyranoside, process for isolation thereof, pharmaceutical composition containing same and use thereof glucopyranoside, son procede d'isolation, composition pharmaceutique contenant ledit glucopyranoside



Sl. No

Patent No

Country Code Patent Date Title




20080814 Rmazeutische zusammensetzung und verwendung davon


International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

Sl. No

Patent No

Country Code Patent Date Title




20040401 Homeopathic modular complex
2. WO03/087093 WO 20031023 Novel glucopyranoside, process for isolation thereof, pharmaceutical composition containing same and use thereof
3. WO03/079963 WO 20031002

Homeopathic modular complex

4. WO02/089825 WO 20021114 Medicinal herbal compounds for the prevention and treatment of diabetes
5. WO02/049659


20020627 A method to enhance the immune system and used for the prevention and treatment of asthma
6. WO02/049658 WO 20020627 A method to enhance the immune system and used for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases
7. WO01/045662 WO 20020704 Decorative cosmetic preparations
8. WO01/072316 WO 20011004 Ayurvedic composition for diabetes



20010628 Decorative cosmetic preparations
10. WO03/079963 WO 20040401 Homeopathic modular complex domaine technique de l'invention
11. WO03/087093 WO 20031023 Novel glucopyranoside, process for isolation thereof, pharmaceutical composition containing same and use thereof nouveau glucopyranoside, son procede d'isolation, composition pharmaceutique contenant ledit glucopyranoside
12. WO03/082887 WO 20031009 8-
13. WO03/079963


20031002 Homeopathic modular complex domaine technique de l'invention
14. WO02/089825 WO 20021114 Medicinal herbal compounds for the prevention and treatment of diabetes composes d'herbes medicinales destines a la prevention et au traitement du diabete
15. WO02/049659 WO 20020627 A method to enhance the immune system and used for the prevention and treatment of asthma methode permettant de renforcer le systeme immunitaire utilisee dans la prevention et le traitement de l'asthme
16. WO02/049658


20020627 A method to enhance the immune system and used for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases methode de renforcement du systeme immunitaire et utilisation pour la prevention et le traitement de maladies infectieuses
17. WO01/045662 WO 20020704 Decorative cosmetic preparations preparations cosmetiques de maquillage dekorative kosmetische zubereitungen
18. WO01/072316 WO 20011004 Ayurvedic composition for diabetes composition ayurvedique pour le traitement du diabete
19. WO01/045662 WO 20010628 Decorative cosmetic preparations preparations cosmetiques de maquillage dekorative kosmetische zubereitungen


People's Republic of China

Sl. No

Patent No

Country Code Patent Date Title


100389816 CN 20080528  
2. 1709447 CN 20051221 Tibetan medicine formulation for treating hyperlipemia, and its preparing method
3. 1633432 CN 20050629 Novel glucopyranoside, process for isolation thereof, pharmaceutical composition containing same and use thereof


United Kingdom

Sl. No

Patent No

Country Code Patent Date Title




19990421 Pharmaceutical composition for the treatment of sickle cell disease


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