Red Sanders Korea's Patent


Sl. No

Patent No

Country Code Patent Date Title


2007-0022934 KR 20070228 Cosmetic composition comprising extract of Pterocarpus santalinus capable of inhibiting activity and expression of collagenase and gelatinase
2. 2007-0013902 KR 20070131 Composition comprising extract of Pterocarpus santalinus for prevention and treatment of cancer without side effects, especially for inhibiting proliferation of cancer cells and inducing apoptosis of cancer cells
3. 2004-0101598 KR 20041203 Active fraction having prevention and treatment effects on obesity in leprdb/leprdb mice isolated from medicinal plants
4. 2003-0036589 KR


Medicinal herbal compounds for the prevention and treatment of diabetes
5. 2003-0005484 KR 20030123 Herbal composition for treatment of gynecological disorders and manufacture process thereof
6. 0854776 KR 20080821 Method for preparing a composition for alleviating itch and pain without influencing on ingredients of bee stings after operation of the bee stings to skin from various herb medicines
7. 0756550 KR 20070903 Composition for prevention and treatment of hyperlipidemia and fatty liver comprising extract of Pterocarpus santalinus capable of reducing lipid concentration in liver tissue and serum
8. 2007-0013902 KR 20070131 A composition comprising the extract of Pterocarpus santalinus for the prevention and treatment of cancer
9. 0756550 KR 20070907 Composition containing Pterocarpus santalinus extract for the prevention and treatment of hyperlipidemia and fatty liver



KR 20041203 Active fraction having prevention and treatment effects on obesity in leprdb/leprdb mice isolated from medicinal plants



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