Red Sanders United States of America's Patent


Sl. No

Patent No

Country Code Patent Date Title


20090156689 US 20090618 Method of enhancing biological activity of plant extracts
2. 20070248693 US 20071025 Nutraceutical composition and method of use for treatment / prevention of cancer
3. 20060275518 US 20061207 Method for treating infectious diseases
4. 20060147561 US 20060706 Herbal nutraceutical formulation for diabetics and process for preparing the same
5. 20050112212 US 20050526 Herbal formulation
6. 20050042313 US 20050224 Method to enhance the immune system and used for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases
7. 20040047929 US 20040311 Method to enhance the immune system and used for the prevention and treatment of asthma
8. 20040033233 US 20040219 Method to enhance the immune system and used for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.
9. 20030186898 US 20031002 8- (C-beta-D-glucopyranosyl) -7, 3', 4' -trihydroxyflavone, process of isolation thereof, pharmaceutical composition and method for the treatment of diabetes


US 20031002 Herbal health protective and promotive nutraceutical formulation for diabetics and process for preparing the same
11. 20030077339 US


Medicinal herbal compounds for the prevention and treatment of diabetes
12. 7384920 US 20080610 Use of stilbene compounds in the manufacture of medicament for the prevention and treatment of diabetes or retrovirus-associated diseases
13. 7323496 US 20080129 Compounds for treatment of inflammation, diabetes and related disorders
14. 7229651 US 20070612 Dietary supplements containing natural ingredients
15. 7125571 US 20061024 Herbal formulation
16. 7014872 US 20060321 Herbal nutraceutical formulation for diabetics and process for preparing the same
17. 6998142 US 20060214 Composition and method for the prevention and treatment of asthma
18. 6818233 US 20041116 Dietary supplements containing natural ingredients
19. 6777392 US 20040817 8-(C-β-D-glucopyranosyl)-7, 3', 4'-trihydroxyflavone, process of isolation thereof, pharmaceutical composition and method for the treatment of diabetes
20. 6770307 US 20040803 Medicinal herbal compounds for the prevention and treatment of diabetes
21. 6696417 US 20040224 Skin and hair darkening composition
22. 6624197 US 20030923 Diphenylethylene compounds
23. 6562791 US 20030513 Glucopyranoside, process for isolation thereof, pharmaceutical composition containing same and use thereof
24. 6552085 US 20030422 Compositions containing hypoglycemically active stilbenoids
25. 6551627 US 20030422 Medicinal herbal compounds for the prevention and treatment of diabetes
26. 6541522 US 20030401 Methods of using compositions containing hypotriglyceridemically active stilbenoids
27. 6455077 US 20020924 Herbal composition and method of manufacturing such composition for the management of gynecological disorders
28. 6448450 US 20020910 1-(3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-ethylene for diabetes treatment
29. 7014872 US 20060321 Herbal nutraceutical formulation for diabetics and process for preparing the same
30. 6998142 US 20060214 Composition and method for the prevention and treatment of asthma
31. 7014872 US 20060321 Herbal nutraceutical formulation for diabetics and process for preparing the same
32. 6998142 US 20060214 Composition and method for the prevention and treatment of asthma
33. 20060275518 US 20061207 Method for treating infectious diseases
34. 20060147561 US 20060706 Herbal nutraceutical formulation for diabetics and process for preparing the same
35. 20050112212 US 20050526 Herbal formulation
36. 20050042313 US 20050224 Method to enhance the immune system and used for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases
37. 6777392 US 20040817 8-(C-beta-D-glucopyranosyl)-7, 3', 4'-trihydroxyflavone, process of isolation thereof, pharmaceutical composition and method for the treatment of diabetes
38. 6770307 US 20040803 Medicinal herbal compounds for the prevention and treatment of diabetes
39. 20040047929 US 20040311 Method to enhance the immune system and used for the prevention and treatment of asthma
40. 20040033233 US 20040219 Method to enhance the immune system and used for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases
41. 6562791 US 20030513 Glucopyranoside, process for isolation thereof, pharmaceutical composition containing same and use thereof
42. 6551627 US 20030422 Medicinal herbal compounds for the prevention and treatment of diabetes
43. 20030186898 US 20031002 8-
44. 20030185913 US 20031002 Herbal health protective and promotive nutraceutical formulation for diabetics and process for preparing the same
45. 20030077339 US 20030424 Medicinal herbal compounds for the prevention and treatment of diabetes
46. 6455077 US 20020924 Herbal composition and method of manufacturing such composition for the management of gynecological disorders
47. 6448450 US 20020910 1-



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